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Your Local Air Conditioning Experts in Oxford, MA
Heat Pump Installation
HVAC Experts is an HVAC company that specializes in the comfort and efficiency of your structure.
Because we specialize in HVAC, we only offer services directly related to the proper design, fabrication, installation and maintenance of heating, cooling, and ventilating your home or business.
While your comfort is of the utmost importance, HVAC Experts strives to make your building operate at maximum efficiency. We do this by performing heating and cooling load calculations that take into account the construction and insulation materials used, as well as calculating the ventilation needs of your structure. This is the ONLY way to properly design your HVAC system. Using the load calculations, we can select the system that will heat your home or business in the winter, when it is below zero, or dehumidify and cool your home during the hot New England summers. Don’t believe it when someone says, “You don’t need air conditioning in Massachusetts!”.
A Ductless Heat Pump may be used to offset more expensive heating systems such as electric, oil or propane especially when paired with on-site electrical photovoltaic solar panel systems. Heat pumps are also very efficient in the heating/cooling and humidification of areas such as basements, bonus rooms and sun-rooms. Ductless heat pump's allow you to accomplish this advanced level of climate control without having to add or alter expensive traditional sheet metal duct-work air supply systems.
HVAC Experts is seeing an ever increasing number of new homes that are to be heated and cooled with ductless heat pumps. These new homes have the benefit of adding insulation and windows that far exceed the minimum code requirements. As a result, you end up with a highly efficient home that has very low heating and cooling requirements and very affordable operating costs for years to come. Investing money in insulation and windows cost more up front, but it lowers the size of the heating system needed. This smaller heating system can often offset the initial cost of the building envelope. HVAC Experts performs load calculations to determine the size of a Residential Heat Pump needed and estimate your operation cost. We also sometimes have to provide estimates for gas and oil systems and project their operation costs. The ductless, inverter driven heat pumps always win and so do the homeowners!

Ductless is a perfect solution for homes with problem rooms that just never feel comfortable. You know, a great room with a high ceiling, or large glass exposure. A sun room or addition. Even a converted attic, or a remodeled room over a garage. Ductless systems allow you to pinpoint the area of your home you want to condition, which always takes some of the load off your existing HVAC system, saving you money.
Check out the video to find out more about how Mitsubishi ductless is such a great solution for single zone applications.
With a ductless system it's easy to choose exactly how much you want to heat or cool each room or zone of your home to accommodate your family's preferences and lifestyle. Does dad like it cool and mom like it warmer? Kids off to school and spending most of your time in two or three rooms?
With a ductless solution from HVAC Experts, you can eliminate energy use in the rooms you're not using, or design a climate in your home based on the factors that make you and your home unique.
Commercial properties can also be new construction or existing buildings. With Commercial Heat Pump installations, the biggest benefit is the ability to provide zoning for different spaces being used for different purposes. For example, the office spaces may need to be heated, while a conference room or break room need to be cooled. Having ductless systems throughout a commercial space allows the occupants in each space to control their own temperature without affecting the entire building. Computer classrooms and server rooms have long been served by ductless heat pump systems. Churches are rapidly realizing that heat pumps are ideal for meeting their needs. Heat pumps allow them to heat or cool the sanctuary for service while ensuring unused areas are untouched. Heat pumps are good fit for businesses that require some areas to be heated while others be cooled.